Work in Progress

It was almost like a whim, but an involuntary one. "We should make a blog," Katlyn said. I tried to thrash her hopes for as long as I could before I submitted to the fact that we would be awesome at it.

It's going to be an interesting journey full of blood, lachrymose, and laughter, but hopefully just the last one. Mostly.

Monday, January 14, 2013

A Mystery Solved; A Lesson In Stereotypes

I can think of no better reason to write a post here today than the solution to a mystery almost two whole years in the making (when that's like a tenth of your total time alive, it seems like a bigger deal than it actually is). The mystery of our dear name, which had for so long plagued the reaches of our imaginations, has at last found a conclusion. I write this to sound far more intriguing than it actually will be, because it only goes to show that sometimes your stereotypical first impressions are, in fact, spot on. Not usually the lesson I go for, but a lesson well-worth learning nonetheless. If only to un-learn it promptly.

You probably don't recall the original article, since it was the very first one we ever published, but here it is for context.

A few weeks ago over break, I got a Facebook friend request from an intrepid young soul whose last name is--drum roll--Grunbeck. Let it be known that the cognitive cogs slow to a drooling crawl over vacation, and I was hardly at our  And while my default rude-aloofness kicked in as rudely and aloofly as ever, here are the contents of our little discussion.:

  • David
    Not entirely sure I know who this is 

    • Grunbeck
      I'm not positive either, but this may clear things up?

      • David
        I mean, if you're trying to be vague, it's working. But I do recall laughing hysterically at that hockey game at this billboard. Sorry?

        • Grunbeck
          Haha no, my family found your blog titled after my mom, I just thought you'd like to know the origin of 'Fitzy Grunbeck'
          We thought it was funny

          • David
            This makes me so happy, because we literally searched google for like a week before making the blog to see whose name it could possibly have been. Suffice it to say, you're not a middle-aged Irish alumni, like we originally thought xD
            Thanks for solving the mystery!

            • Grunbeck
              Well you were right about the middle aged Irish alumni part, glad we could help!

              As if it weren't already apparent by the posts of yore, I'm immensely clever, insofar as that was a terrible joke. Maybe my definition of clever is just way off base. I'm not sure what you expected to learn from the less-than-bombastic end to this surely harrowing mystery, but suffice it to say our intuition was seriously spot on, however quasi-racist our intuition was in the first place. 

              A hearty thank you to the Grunbeck family and affiliates for furnishing our bereft little blog with some much-needed pageviews. I hope that Mama Grunbeck's untarnishable honor was not...well, tarnished, by our juvenile chronicling of off-beat BC humor!
