Work in Progress

It was almost like a whim, but an involuntary one. "We should make a blog," Katlyn said. I tried to thrash her hopes for as long as I could before I submitted to the fact that we would be awesome at it.

It's going to be an interesting journey full of blood, lachrymose, and laughter, but hopefully just the last one. Mostly.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Out of the Dark Souls, into the Light

When I first experienced the comical value of Dark Soul's difficulty, I was very intent on chronicling it for the world to see. Merely writing down a couple things after dying violently was sufficient. I hardly needed to put any creativity into it.

Friday, October 28, 2011

REVAMP: Geology, Calc, and Chem, Oh My!

I've got a lot of friends who do chemistry and all those other crazy scientific thingamajiggies. I can respect that, I mean, I'm using some of them right now typing this.

So I hear them talking about moles of Ridicularium being lit on fire or dissolved in hydro-bore-ic acid and becoming some new white powder with an incredibly difficult-to-pronounce acronym with numbers sandwiched in there, sometimes and I can't help but hear a faint rushing sound overhead.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Masochism is Contagious: D Buys Dark Souls

Have you ever just been thirsty...for souls? I am, almost every waking moment now, thanks to Pat.