Work in Progress

It was almost like a whim, but an involuntary one. "We should make a blog," Katlyn said. I tried to thrash her hopes for as long as I could before I submitted to the fact that we would be awesome at it.

It's going to be an interesting journey full of blood, lachrymose, and laughter, but hopefully just the last one. Mostly.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Miniature Non-consequential Update

So I bet you're wondering where posts are at, and frankly, I'll tell you--in my brain. The only thing keeping them there right now, in all honesty, is our insatiable drive to create awesome looking cities in Minecraft.

It's called "Imber" because I've never been in a spot with more frequent thunderstorms.

This has been stealing the fuck out of our time and creative energy, and as K told you, she's way busier than I am, and making money, so she's got a good excuse. I, on the other hand, am gearing up for an epic Minecraft post. Obviously I'm still working on the details (i.e. what I'll be able to use for pictures) but this is going to be fairly exhaustive and vaguely philosophical in nature.

I know what you're thinking..."I don't care about Minecraft, so give me something kind of funny to read with badly drawn pictures to look at."

And I don't blame you.

It takes a special kind of person to be able to sit around for hours at a time, making cities out of blocks.


This is the longest period of time that we've kept a single server world going, and that's mainly due to the fact that I personally have not done anything so rash and hideous (and turning everything into glass by accident) that I've had to restart the world!

Don't take this away from me, please!

In return, you'll be rewarded with more pictures that accurately document my disease (and will make you go "OoOoH! AaAaH! FABULOUS!")

A wee bit of patience is all I ask :-)



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