Work in Progress

It was almost like a whim, but an involuntary one. "We should make a blog," Katlyn said. I tried to thrash her hopes for as long as I could before I submitted to the fact that we would be awesome at it.

It's going to be an interesting journey full of blood, lachrymose, and laughter, but hopefully just the last one. Mostly.

Monday, June 27, 2011

More Steering Mumbo-Jumbo

I hate being so diplomatic. I'm way too subjective for this.

We at Fitzy have come to a bit of a crossroads, and are feeling like we can expand our vision to encompass two divergent roads, while forcibly bending them parallel?

Geometry was never a strong suit of mine.

Here's what a few hours of planning has coaxed out of our brains, and trust me, this process would be going a lot faster if we all had a room with a chalkboard in it.

-The Blog Stork has informed us that he'll be dropping off a newborn in the near future
-Said baby blog will be very video-oriented
-As the brainchild of the same two parents, the yet-to-be-named-and-certainly-still-yet-to-be-designed-video-oriented blog, it is almost a genetic certainty (pending results from our cyber-amniocentesis) that it'll be just as sarcastic, absurd, and, with the right upbringing, funny as it's sister, the Fitzy Grunbeck.


~_~ <-- Psychic face



How in the world are we going to maintain two blogs, especially one with large-scale, fairly industrious and innovative video projects, when we can't even seem to manage one?

Well, sir or madame, luckily for you all, I've got friends who don't quite suck at art as much as I do!

In other words, we've carefully selected some friends to help us out with both blogs, and all the undertakings therein.

K and I will still be doing most of the writing for FGC, and directing the projects for both blogs, but we'll be using our video editing skills for the aforementioned baby blog.

We've got...umm...ELVES, yes, ELVES to help us iron out a lot of the managerial kinks we've come across.

The same leadership means that you can expect the same wacky style, and more people involved just means you'll get more of it!

Now, we don't expect the Fitzy faithful to necessarily love everything we do on the other blog as well, we're just branching out a bit to where K and I can use more of our skills.

It's not you, it's us.

But maybe, just maybe, you'll like this stuff too!

More steering to come, you know, if you're into that sort of thing.


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