Work in Progress

It was almost like a whim, but an involuntary one. "We should make a blog," Katlyn said. I tried to thrash her hopes for as long as I could before I submitted to the fact that we would be awesome at it.

It's going to be an interesting journey full of blood, lachrymose, and laughter, but hopefully just the last one. Mostly.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Cute War: Valentines Day Edition

So yesterday was that widely-despised day that makes single people feel just how single they are right down through to their bones. Yesterday, for maybe the second time ever, I was wrapped up in the saccharine, frankly disgusting ritual of being ridiculously cute. I was being that person all the single people love to hate on love day. The following is the exchange of materials between Pat and I on Facebook.

I have to say, in this, the War of Cuteness, I do so humbly believe that I am the victor. Despite the fact that Pat made the above picture...whatever...

I struck the first decisive blow in the early morning:

Happy Valentine's Day to the ever-wonderful Patrick  :-)
Following up my attack with a well-placed Minecraft-themed Valentines Day YouTube video:

David shared a link.
Don't do what happens in the ending, please :-*

  • Patrick  likes this.
    • Patrick: Oh my god that was so sad!!
      Yesterday at 9:22am • 
    • Patrick:‎.....I guess I shouldve told you that I was just a wizard's construct, shouldnt I?
      Yesterday at 9:22am • 

    • David: yea that's something you bring up on the first or second non-date
      Yesterday at 10:03am • 
    • Patrick: I mean, he never formally disclosed how long I would be able to maintain my existence, so I didnt really see it as a thing.
      Yesterday at 10:22am • 

    • David: This is not going to be like the Time Traveler's Wife. I won't allow it.
      Yesterday at 10:28am • 
    • Patrick: No it's fine. I should be aware of my fate at least 48 hours before I burst into ash, so it wont be THAT much of a surprise.
      Yesterday at 10:30am •

And at the end of my three pronged attack, warning him of the devastation that was to come:

I'm going to bombard you with cuteness pretty much all day.
    • Patrick Hughes ‎:) :) :)

He responded with a rebuttal status that was hardly as flattering, and therefore, substantially less effective (commentation clarification did not help his case):

Patrick Hughes
And a very Happy Valentine's Day to the ever-scandalous (but still pretty fantastic) @David :)

 and 2 others like this.

    • David Riemer: What have I done lately that's been scandalous other than dancing with that guy at Yale (unwittingly) and fawning over my history teacher?!
      Yesterday at 8:53am • 

    • David Riemer: ‎...I rest your case...
      Yesterday at 8:53am •  •  2

A few minutes later, he accepted my challenge and launched his own heart-bearing German Shepherd attack; the German Shepherd tore at my emotions:

In response, I masterfully exe[cute]d a barrage of adorability the likes of which the world has never seen, and which it will be hard pressed to outshine:

The closing moments of the war were marked by an almost tragic defeat when this picture appeared on my wall, seemingly a hand-drawn atomic weapon of cuteness:

  • You, David and Karli like this.

    • David: I just made noises that no sane human being should ever make in public.
      23 hours ago •

    • David: 
      23 hours ago • 
    • Katlyn: I can vouch for the noises.
      22 hours ago 
    • Patrick: Sorry to be misleading people. I didn't draw this. It's just really fucking cute. I'll let you know when I draw something. :P
      21 hours ago •

The intel was found to be fake, and the resurgent husky-panda cuteness overtook him in the end, leading to my decisive victory--until later when he had a better everything else in real life.



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