Work in Progress

It was almost like a whim, but an involuntary one. "We should make a blog," Katlyn said. I tried to thrash her hopes for as long as I could before I submitted to the fact that we would be awesome at it.

It's going to be an interesting journey full of blood, lachrymose, and laughter, but hopefully just the last one. Mostly.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

PSA: Shipping [Out Of] Boston

Spring time is in our midst.  The cleaning crews are out and the grass is being replanted.  Birds are singing, the flowers are blooming and finally the sky is still light at 6 pm.  However, now is coming the time of panic and disconcertment among the lovely, soon-to-be-short-wearing students.  That issue?  Where the hell are you going to store all of your shit after it's time to go home?

For those of you who live near, obviously you'll take it home for the summer and crowd your basement with twin x-long sheets and random wall art.  But for those who live far away--like across the country away--you'll have to figure some other things out.

Here are your choices:

1.  Collegeboxes

There it is.  For a small fee of $50 for one two-foot wide box, you'll have all your storage needs met!  But, what about your comforter, hairdryer, printer, laundry bag, lamps, pillows, shoes, winter coats, books, and shower caddy?  That's a lot of stuff for just one box!  Well, that's why you'll have to get at least five boxes, meaning that you're spending on the upwards of $300 for everything.

Let's look at some other options.

2.  You're friends that live really close

Yeah, so you got a friend who lives over in Cambridge or East Boston or Malden or something and well, you're pretty close.  Hell, you're practically bff's and that should mean something, right?  He/she can take a box or six and stack them alongside their lawnmower or in the junk room or wherever living space is unnecessary.  You don't care, as long as they'll bring it back to you at the start of school.
Acceptable radius for friend storage

But what about that time during summer when, as is a possibility, you lose touch from your friends and find out that they've been sending nasty Facebook messages or writing blogposts about you?  And then the family decides to have a garages sale, and your friend just happens sell all of your junk?  It's a possibility.

But hopefully you're close enough to that person where this will not happen, and that the parents like you enough to help carry your boxes all the way up those stairs of CoRo.  Hopefully.

3.  Ship it

Yep, you don't have friends, you live far away, and you think Collegeboxes is a conspiracy like high-speed internet.  So, you decided to ship your shit all the way home.

Besides having to package everything up, remember your address, and borrow a dolly from the mail room to get it down the Upper hill, you have to pay for it.  Bet on at least $40 per box.  Also, remember that when you get back, you have to go to the mail room and pick up the 50-pound box and get up your respective hill on campus.
Or you could just hijack one of these...

Might as well go with Collegeboxes if you're thinking that way.  Trust me, people aren't as willing as you think to help you drag your mini-fridge from the mail room.

4.  Find a secret passage under one of the dorms/Gasson's secret tunnel and hide your stuff there

You know it, the campus is creepy on many accounts and we've uncovered more than enough places that haven't had human presence since 1961.  Hide your stuff there.  You'll have to sneak in and maybe bribe a janitor, but hey, that's relatively free and your things never have to leave campus!
"There's a tunnel!?"  Yes, yes there is.

Your social reputation might wind up taking a few hits for spelunking in the dank creepiness, but hey, it was free.

We bring you this message now so that when the time comes, you'll be prepared.  Let's face it, you never think about these things until the day before you're forced out of the dorm when the mail room is closed and all of your friends had earlier finals and are already vacay-ing it up in Florida (bitches!).

Good luck!


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