Work in Progress

It was almost like a whim, but an involuntary one. "We should make a blog," Katlyn said. I tried to thrash her hopes for as long as I could before I submitted to the fact that we would be awesome at it.

It's going to be an interesting journey full of blood, lachrymose, and laughter, but hopefully just the last one. Mostly.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Unconventional Workout: Airport

It’s been quite a day of traveling, but you’re not at your destination yet.  You still have one connecting flight left and you haven’t been able to get in your daily dose of Pilates.  So, why not utilize the massive and elaborate building you are currently in?  Here are the steps to your success!

You’ve just stepped off the plane and checked the departures board.  You’re flight is on time and in a completely separate terminal!  Yay for you!  You’ve got roughly 45 minutes to get your workout in—more than enough time!

Now go to the bathroom and get your business done before you get going on the exercises.  Worst thing in the world is running around when you got to piss.

Make sure to grab a snack because you will be hungry by the end of this.  I suggest the Chinese to-go.  They’re fast and generally don’t have any lines.  That’s a plus.

Ok, it is time to begin.  For all those who use the wheely bags, in order to get a more rigorous workout, try flipping the bag over or breaking a wheel so that you have to drag it more.  For those of you who use one of the giant duffels, I think you’re covered.

Ready… set… go!

Head for the moving sidewalk, jumping onto it, and going as fast as you can.  Dodge the old people—good agility practice!  Don’t slow down and when you come to the end, do a tummy tuck dive roll so that you can work on your abdominals.

Move it, man!
Keep running through the terminal, go up the stairs, down the ridiculously long hallway, down the ramp, down the stairs, around the pillar, behind the cleaning lady, and into the gate area.

Now you’re done!



Where’s your gate?  It said 92, but it only goes to 90… what the?


You’ve got 15 minutes and your gate is missing.  Where is it?

Oh, yeah.  It’s in the international departures area.  Never mind that you’re on a domestic flight, they’ll just put your gate in the completely opposite end of the airport!

Even better!  You can now get your workout in for tomorrow! 
Keep running; you don’t want to be late for your flight.

Oh… your legs are tired?

My bad.


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